Playboy’s Miss July 2011 Jessica Lynn Hinton Talks Sex Tapes, Threesomes, & Masturbation With Our Facebook Fans
Yesterday, we showed you Playboy’s Miss July 2011 Jessa Hinton’s sexiest mobile uploads. That was merely a glimpse into the Playmate’s provocative lifestyle. Last Thursday, we asked our Facebook followers if they had any questions for the Vegas vixen and, to our surprise, she answered them all. In this exclusive interview, Ms. Hinton talks sex tapes, porn, orgasms, threesomes, bisexuality, blonde jokes, masturbation, plastic surgery, and v-cards. Get to know more about Jessa below!
Bunyarit Leemahamad: What do u look for in a guy?
Jessa: Someone with an amazing sense of humor and a great
choice of cologne.Eric Stafford: Do you think Claire Sinclair got POTY (Playmate of the Year) because she’s tappin’ Hef’s son?
Jessa: Haha no, Claire is just awesome. She’s blunt like me and her pin-up style is unique and so is she. She’s an amazing girl!Marcus Bianchetti: What is the most amount of orgasms you’ve had during one sex session?
Jessa: Probably around 15-20.Dino Duspara: Would you ever consider making a porn?
Jessa: I’d make a sex tape with my boyfriend for the times I’m alone. A great thing to watch ;)Dan Watson: What’s your favorite sport?
Jessa: Baseball ! Go Yankees !Dan Watson: What are the 3 things you would take to a desert island?
Jessa: Chapstick, vibrator and sunscreen.Konstantinos Patukas: Spit or swallow?
Jessa: I usually dislike giving head but if I’m in love, I swallow.John Haywood: What’s the craziest thing you have ever done?
Jessa: Packed a Uhaul and moved to Vegas with no job, no connections and nowhere to live. But made it all happen that weekend .George Tsantrizos: If you could have a threesome with any 2 celebrities who would they be?
Jessa: Mila Kunis and Megan Fox.Devin Smrekar: What is your favorite blonde joke?
Jessa: How do you kill a blonde? Put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool.Dan Watson: Tell us about your most embarrassing moment.
Jessa: I was walking through a club I worked at on my night off and as I’m leaving , I tripped and busted my face. I thought I broke my nose and everyone saw!
Lucy Nonya: What is a normal day for you?
Jessa: I like to train at Randy Couture’s gym and eat breakfast at the Egg with my boyfriend. Then gigs or working on designs.Dan Watson: What’s your biggest turn-on?
Jessa: Kisses on the back of my neck.Dan Watson: Have you ever been caught masturbating?
Jessa: Yep. By my mom when I was 13. Embarrassing !!!Ben Lyons: Do you sleep naked?
Jessa: Every night.Alex Blackie: Have you had ANY plastic surgery?
Jessa: My breasts.Felix Bravo: What is your favorite thing to do while having sex?
Mike Jasso: Where was the riskiest place you had sex?
Jessa: My boyfriend hadn’t seen me for a couple weeks so he picked me up from the airport and bent me over his car and we had sex in the parking garage.Matt Essex: Angelina Jolie, Rihanna, and Megan Fox. You’ve got to marry one, f*ck one, kill one. Go.
Jessa: Marry Angelina, f*ck Megan Fox and kill Rihanna (she let me down in the S&M music video)Kyle H. Changsta: What’s the craziest place you’ve ever had sex?
Jessa: I had amazing sex straddling my boyfriend on the toilet in the bathroom while the maid was cleaning. The lid was down and made it quick but I was loud.Thomas Carter: Have you ever had sex with another chick?
Jessa: Yep.
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